Sunday, 12 April 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

Hi everybody!

Mummy and I just figured out how to put the photos where we want them! Yipee! Thank You Maggie and Mitch!

I had a little haircut around my ears and eyes yesterday so I could see better today. Today is Easter and Finni and I had an Easter Egg Hunt! We had to find little chicken drumsticks that Mummy hid in the garden. They were in the trees as well! It was very exciting. Finni found loads. Mummy helped me a little bit. But guess who got the last one ...

I got it just before Finni sniffed it, hehe. Must dash because Daddy, Finni and I are going for our evening walk.

Hope you all have a lovely Easter Egg Hunt and a lovely Easter Holiday!



Princess Patches said...

Happy Easter, Nelly!...and Finni too!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Noah the Airedale said...

Awww well done Nelly. Looks like you and Finni had a great Easter.


Duke said...

Your Easter egg hunt sounds delicious with the chicken drumsticks, Nelly!
We're glad you got the last one!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Nelly...we're Scruffy, Lacie and Babystan...three terriers from the States...I'm a Lakie...(Lacie; 2 years old...) Scruffy's a three year old Wiry Fox and Stan's a almost two year old Dale like you...)

We've tried for like furever to comment on your bro Finni's bloggie...but it didn't like us have blogspot and we know we can comment on this blog or blob!!! We just went and read Finni's blog to see all of your pix...loved the pic of him "practicin'" in front of the mirror to be a sibling!!!

We're happy to know ya...

Sure wish we coulda had chicken drummies in our Easter basket!!!!

Come on by and visit us, Kay????

Love ya lots...

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley

Lucia said...

Ciao dolci Nelly and Finni!

Nelly! You have your own blobbie! That's so magnifico!

Those Easter drummies looked soooo delicious, mia bella amica... mmmm ....! Your mama certainly knows how to make a holiday special!

Tanti baci!

PeeEss: Finni, I'll stop by your bloggie, too...!

Molly and Gertrude said...

Hi cute little Nelly! We loved your easter egg hunt video - what a great idea! Yumm Yumm! We also love your new gates - very smart.

Love your blob - good job.

Molly and Gertie
(how come we have to share a blog and we don't get one each too....??)