Sunday, 10 May 2009

A Fairytale ... by Nelly

Once upon a time there were two bears, a woollen bear and a fuzzy bear ...

and the woollen bear said "Boy, am I hot!" and the fuzzy bear piped "Me too - boy, am I hot!"
Sooo ... the bears Mummy put them in the car and took them away ...

to somewhere where they had ...


and ...
when the bears Mummy came and picked them up again 5 hours later they had turned ...

into a beautiful princess and a handsome prince.
(If you biggify the picture you can see how beautiful and handsome they are :) )

The end.



Sherry said...

We agree! They are beautiful and so is the yard.
Sherry, Alanis & Miro

Duke said...

We love stories with cool endings! We bet you both feel so much better in the heat with less fur and yes, you do both look VERY handsome!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lucia said...

Ciao bella Nelly!

Ohhhh! You and Finni look so fantastico with your new airecuts! Nelly ... you look so grown up!

Tanti baci!

Princess Patches said...

You both look great with your new Aire-cuts!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Stanley said...

Sweet Nelly Girl!

CONGRATULATIONS on your new blob! We will definitely be coming by to see your side of the story (we always love seeing you and Finni together on his blob too)!

You are growing up SO MUCH. I think your new airecut is very mature, but we miss your puppy fluff too. You're gorgeous no matter what kind of hairdo you have, though.

We've linked to you on our blob. Feel free to link to us if you like.

I'm going to try to keep my sissy, Stella, away from your blob as long as possible. She's been whining that she wants HER own blob too, and my girl can barely help me with mine.

Goober love & smooches,

Ruby said...

What a handsome pair of Airedales you two are! Your groomer did a great job.

It does look very summery over there.
